A Night of Revelations
When you work in a creative industry, you get to direct that creativity towards a specific goal. It means that you get to do what… Read More »A Night of Revelations
When you work in a creative industry, you get to direct that creativity towards a specific goal. It means that you get to do what… Read More »A Night of Revelations
Sometime ago I, like many people in this industry, found myself in Cologne. For gamescom. We, like many people in this industry, were there to see if our upcoming title would track any interest. We’re happy with the results. So, here I am, finding an angle to write about on what it means for an indie developer. However, the muddling that happens in one’s brain during a week of hectic expo life is something that seems to prevent me from creating a beautiful post mortem. So it’s your choice at this point to decide if you’re going to get anything useful out of what I’m sure are going to be ramblings that may or may not have a point to them.